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Vocational Profile - Motivation 84%
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Personality or Temperament is to do with personal traits, attitudes and preferences. It is important to consider such things as
  1. How you come across to other people and interact with them
  2. The type of team role you habitually adopt when working in a group
  3. How you approach and deal with tasks and responsibilities
  4. Your style of decision-making
  5. What methods of learning suit you best
  6. How comfortable and confident you feel in different situations

      Traits like 'confidence' can vary according to your level of ability in relation to the situation, and can be developed with experience. Witness this statement from a young practising barrister:

      "Even speaking up in class or in small-group presentations used to turn me into a jellyfish. I then joined the debating society at school to develop my communication skills, and continued to use every opportunity to speak in public at university. Today even the worst nightmare court cases and most intimidating judges hold no terrors for me - I just think I've developed a thick skin!"
