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Effective Applications
You should either complete a SAF (Standard Application Form) or produce a CV

Please give us your impressions of the CMS website using the evaluation form

1st First2.1 Upper Second2.2 Lower second3rd Third
<H Does not meet the threshold for Honours ClassificationF Fail [unsatisfactory/weak]

Instructions followed Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Instructions ignored
All parts of questions fully and relevantly answered Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Inadequate or partial answers
Skills/qualities/motivations effectively described Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Limited description
Knowledge displayed about job and type of employer Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Not knowledgeable
Persuasive evidence given to support assertions Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F No evidence provided
Style and presentation
Pleasing appearance; easy to read Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Hard to read; messy
Free of errors in typing, spelling, grammar, syntax Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Many errors
Appears authentic, with no cliches Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Many cliches
Concise and to the point Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Verbose and long winded
Well structured Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Disjoined and rambling


