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Effective Applications
You should either complete a SAF (Standard Application Form) or produce a CV

Please give us your impressions of the CMS website using the evaluation form

(please read in conjunction with the more detailed notes on criteria and marking scheme given for CMS in your Course Handbook).

We will look for evidence that you have put into practice all the points covered in previous sections:

That you have brought together knowledge about yourself (Your Profile) and knowledge about the job and company to which you are applying (Job Study).

That you have made appropriate connections between the two, as defined in the checklist above. This is the same sort of evidence that employers would want to see.

To summarise and clarify this further here, we will assess a good application form by the following criteria:

  • Instructions have been followed
  • The form is easy to read
  • Responses are relevant and appropriate to the questions
  • Evidence is given to back up claims
  • Responses convince the selector that you are knowledgeable about the job and employer, and are making no false assumptions
  • Responses convey the impression that you have the requisite skills, interests and personal attributes to do the job and fit into the organisation
  • Your information is presented in a well-thought-out manner, avoiding clichés.
  • There are no errors in spelling, grammar and syntax
Have a look at the marker sheet for a detailed breakdown of the criteria used in marking