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Assessment Marker Sheet

Vocational Profile - Motivation 99%
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1st First2.1 Upper Second2.2 Lower second3rd Third
<H Does not meet the threshold for Honours ClassificationF Fail [unsatisfactory/weak]
Brief understood clearly Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Inadequate understanding
Covered comprehensively Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Patchy coverage of subject
Material drawn from a range of sources Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Material drawn from one or two sources only
Clear logical argument Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Flawed argument; points do not flow logically
Claims are supported with convincing evidence Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Unsupported claims
Valid conclusions Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Conclusions do not follow from arguments
Substantial critical comment and independent judgement Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Little or no analysis; no independent viewpoints
Few or minor errors of fact or argument Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Many/major errors
No waffle/irrelevant material Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Rambling; irrelevant material included
No errors in grammar/syntax, spelling and typing Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Many errors



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