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Interests Questionnaire

Vocational Profile - Motivation 52%
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Finding your Profile
John Holland, a psychologist, described career choice by formulating a theory of 'individuals seeking congruence between their self concept and environment'. In a nutshell, his contention was that people and occupational environments fall into six categories, in varying degrees and combinations.

People tend to search for jobs which match their personal orientations, and which will let them exercise their skills, express their interests, and take on agreeable roles and problems - in the company of others who have interests similar to their own.

The following websites offer various questionnaires that are simplified versions based on Holland's six categories. Use whichever one you wish, to help you identify your interests and determine the model type you most closely resemble. Whichever one you choose, you may find it helpful to make a record or printout of the results, and of some the job suggestions.
