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How people have incorporated interests into their career

Vocational Profile - Motivation 62%
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Case Study One

"I grew up in a household full of books - and the ones about travel in foreign countries fascinated me most. I also collected stamps, and tried to find out about their countries of origin. I do believe my choices (Geography at 'A' level, Travel & Tourism degree) stem from these early interests. I shall be looking for a job which allows me to travel and/or work abroad - most likely in Tourism Management."

Case Study Two

"My best subjects at school were Physics and Technical Drawing, and I was encouraged to consider Engineering as a career because of my abilities in technical problem solving. I tried this out through work experience, but discovered I did not really enjoy making and producing things - I have always been far more interested in people, how bodies function rather than things. Eventually I did Physics, Biology and Chemistry at 'A' level, and went in for Dentistry. Now that I've been practising dentistry for two years, the social interaction and opportunity to provide a health-care service gives me job satisfaction (although I still think it has something to do with my early affinity for power tools as well!)."
