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Getting Started

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Finding your Profile
The best place to start with is yourself - but what do you need to know about yourself?

As you work through CMS, you will learn about three main aspects of your 'vocational profile'. These are represented in the diagram below and encapsulated in the terms Skills, Motivation and Personality.

diagram showing vocational profile - triangle with skills, motivation and personality as the three sides

The questions behind these terms are:

  • Can I do the job? (Skills: demonstrated through qualifications, abilities, experience, aptitude tests)
  • Will I do the job? (Motivation: interests, values, ambitions)
  • Will I fit into the team/organisation? (Personality: personal traits, attitudes and preferences)
It may also be essential to consider constraints and special circumstances, such as any physical or health disabilities, geographical restrictions, and limitations of finance or family circumstance. There is a good deal of special help available in the Careers Service; ways of dwelling positively on what is possible, perhaps using particular sources of information- see Additional Resources.
