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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Why do self assessment - what is it for?
  2. How can I get the most out of it?
  3. I find it difficult to assess myself - what help and support is available?
  4. I did a whole series of tests at school - won't this just be a waste of time?

    There are 3 answers to this!

    • First you are unlikely to have answered questions like these which are very much geared to undergraduate needs.

    • Secondly, most people's careers interests change over time and your ideas are likely to have developed significantly with your move into Higher Education.

    • Lastly, you will probably find the questions relatively easy to answer if you have given this some thought before. If this is familiar ground for you, you may find that you get through the activities more quickly.
  5. Don't all these questionnaires just attempt to pigeon hole people - put them in boxes which dictate their career choices?
  6. I have done self assessment questionnaires before and they suggested totally unsuitable jobs - won't this do just the same?