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Assessment Criteria

Vocational Profile - Motivation 98%
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Finding your Profile
We will look for
  • Evidence of thorough and systematic self-appraisal which includes a specification of skills, motivation and personality factors (as above)
  • An indication of any special circumstances or constraints you may have
  • Pertinent examples (achievements, experiences, activities from any area of your life) that demonstrate you actually possess the ability, interest or trait in question
  • An attempt to construct a composite picture and prioritise which of these you are likely to want to use as your 'shopping list' or guide when you venture into the next section and sift those opportunities that fit you from those that do not.
If you have been assessed as having specific learning difficulties, please inform the member of staff responsible for marking the assignment in good time.

See also the marker sheet for a detailed breakdown of the criteria used in marking

Marker Sheet