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Assignment: Produce a personal career profile

Vocational Profile - Motivation 96%
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Finding your Profile
Look at the grid below and reflect back on the work you have undertaken in this section. You will find it useful to look at the results of the assessments you have copied in to your progress file.

Give brief examples - the finished article should be around 400* words - as evidence to demonstrate you possess these skills, interests and values and personal attributes.

*Please check with your department what word limit they have decided to set for this assignment

Note - the grid below is intended solely to show you the section headings; you should download this document to complete the exercise (click on the link with the right mouse button and choose "save link as" or "save target as").

My strongest skills and abilities are:.... 
Examples of how I have demonstrated these skills........ 
Skills I need to develop and why..... 
My strongest interests are:..... 
The values I consider most important are..... 
How I know these interests and values are important in my life ........ 
Personality and Attitudes                             
e.g. the team role(s) I tend to adopt:..... 
My personality type as indicated by Keirsey or other assessment methods such as MBTI  
My own view is (agree/disagree). I think this because ...... 
Any special circumstances (identify here any additional assets or constraints you have - arising from your external circumstances, rather than innate abilities, etc.):..... 
Patterns emerging from 'pulling the pieces together': and possible implications for future career plans...  

Assessment Criteria