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Introduction To The Assignment

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Using the research resources, we want you to produce a report - which is termed a Job Study - on a career that interests you. The purpose of the assignment is for you to become familiar with the resources so that you can research careers as necessary. If you have no idea what you want to research, why not start off by looking at no. 15) 'Help, I still don't know what careers would suit me!' in the Research Resources.

You will have to analyse a career in considerable detail and look at the employment context. Additionally you will need to comment on how suitable a career it would be for you. Not only will this exercise enable you to focus your career thoughts, but it will give you the chance to become familiar with a wide range of careers information. This way you will be well placed to explore other ideas that you may have, at your own leisure.

The next few pages describe what will need to be covered for this assignment.

This is followed by a section giving advice on researching careers information.

Finally a wealth of materials (web sites, books etc) are sign-posted in the Research Resources section. It will be up to you to make the best use of these to complete your assignment effectively.
