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Finding your Profile
Choose a job or occupation of interest to you - preferably one you wish to enter after graduation. If you do not have a definite career intention yet, select a job available to you as a new graduate, e.g. one of the occupations described in the AGCAS occupational profiles.

Thoroughly and systematically investigate your chosen occupation, ensuring you cover all the main factors outlined below (see Structure of the Report) using a range of appropriate information sources, printed, web based, personal contact.

Identify and analyse employer-organisations that provide this type of job or occupation. Note: a useful way of gaining inside information about an occupation or company is to interview people employed in that occupation or organisation. This research strategy is described in the Research Resources Section under Informational Interviewing. If, by using this technique, you enhance the quality of your assignment you will gain more marks than you would have done otherwise.

See how you match up to the requirements of the job; make connections analytically between the job and Your Vocational Profile.

The assignment should be word-processed and presented in a report format (maximum 700 words).
