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How Interviews are Structured

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Effective Applications
Normally, when you apply for a job or work experience placement with a large employer you will be called for a first interview.

First Interview

This is often conducted by just one or two interviewers, though sometimes more are involved. It can last up to about 40 minutes. If you impress them at this stage, expect to be invited for a second interview. Remember which may be part of an assessment centre. Interviews vary from one employer to another. More and more employers are using telephone interviews as the first interview. Prepare for these as you would for a face-to-face interview.

Second Interview

Second interviews tend to have at least two interviewers but often a whole panel and they are often longer than first interviews. For example, if you applied for a graduate marketing position within a large confectionery company your interview panel may have the Graduate Recruitment Manager from Human Resources, a senior Company Manager and the Head of Marketing - your possible future boss!

Second interviews may be part of an assessment centre. That is to say, the interview will be just one part (albeit a very important one) of a set of selection methods. At an assessment centre you may encounter things like team activities, psychometric/ aptitude tests and individual presentations.
