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Ten essential steps for completing application forms

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Effective Applications
  1. Make a copy of your blank application form
      Photocopy the form from the employer's web site to draft your replies.
  2. Read it through thoroughly before you start to fill it in
      Familiarise yourself with what is needed in each section so you can decide what example fits best in each, i.e. what type of evidence is needed under different types of questions in the blank boxes
  3. Follow the instructions carefully
      Don't assume a Standard Application Form will do just as nicely. If you do not obey instructions, you are virtually a non-starter - they will probably assume you cannot pay attention to detail in your work either.
  4. Answer all questions
      Leaving boxes blank will make you look inept or lazy. If a question genuinely does not apply to you, clarify that it is not applicable
  5. Consider why the question is being asked
      It is often tempting to plunge in and start answering the question at face value, fairly superficially; if you relate the question to the job tasks and level, and what you know the employer requires, you are more likely to be convincing
  6. Draft answers first: make sure they fit the space available
      You may need 2 or 3 drafts before you are satisfied - but the more applications you make the easier it gets!
  7. Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation.
      In surveys, employers say that sloppy, careless use of language in CVs and application forms is a 'pet hate'. No matter how brilliant the content, a bad immediate impact can result in rejection. Be warned - a spell check on your computer will not pick up all errors. Have someone else proof-read your document if possible, or use a dictionary.
  8. Keep a copy of the completed application form for future reference
      When you are invited to an interview you will need to remember what you wrote. Also, your responses can be used again or adjusted in filling out other similar applications
  9. Bring draft answers to the Careers Service for help to improve them
      Take advantage of the drop in sessions to get your draft answers reviewed by a Careers Adviser.
Working through the exercises which follow will give you practice in dealing with questions that are typically used on application forms. If you want more help use the Additional Resources section.
