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Exercises On Typical Application form questions

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Effective Applications
Exercise 1: Team Roles
These questions are asking about your ability to work with others; your team work skills. They want to know what type of person you are when you are in a team (e.g. the motivator, the organiser, the 'ideas' person, etc); as most jobs involve working with others towards a common goal this is an important skill. You may already have identified the team role you usually adopt through the Belbin questionnaire in tutorial 1.

Examples of questions on team roles

  • Tell us about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills while working as part of a team. How did you identify the needs of your group? How did you address these needs to achieve success?
  • Please tell us about an occasion when you have worked as part of a team or group. Describe your personal contribution to the group and explain how the group functioned as a whole.'
  • Describe a situation where you worked together with other people to achieve an objective - we are particularly interested in your personal role in these situations, and the specific actions you took
