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Equal Opportunities- Mature Students

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  • The REC website has information on agencies which recruit older people.
  • Third Age Challenge for "the support of older people to maintain a full working life"
  • Employers Forum on Age is a network of employers who recognise the need to attract and retain employees, whatever their age.
  • New Deal for the New Deal for 50 plus.
  • Age Positive is a government led campaign to encourage employers to make decisions about recruiting, training and etaining staff that do not discriminate against people because of their age.
  • Campaign Against Age Discrimination in Employment- is a campaigning group for the more mature adult
  • Graduate Prospects Click on 'Careers Advice' and go to 'Handling Discrimination' then go to 'Mature'
All resources listed below are available in Careers, Cooper House

Information Booklets and Other Publications

  • Mature Students- the Way Forward: AGCAS booklet- copies in Careers
  • What Colour is Your Parachure? R Bolles. Ten Speed Press.


  • Your Job's Online (Filling in online application forms for jobs)
  • The Assessment Centre Video (Gives an insight into a major part of large employers' selection process)
  • Why Ask Me That? (Gives a good insight into interview techniques and offers valuable tips on performing at a job interview)

Prospects Planner

  • Prospect Planner on the Graduate Prospects web site can be a valuable tool in identifying jobs that might suit you.
  • Prospects Directory- which lists employers which offer Graduate Training Schemes
  • GET Directory- which also lists employers which offer Graduate Training Schemes.
