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Structure of the report

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Finding your Profile
The job study should analyse all of the main areas below. A series of prompt points will pop up for each. These are intended to alert you to features which may be important for you to address, if they are relevant to your job study.
  • the job or occupation: its tasks and responsibilities
  • entry requirements
  • terms and conditions
  • training opportunities and prospects
  • environment, lifestyle and corporate culture

    • Will your colleagues be from a variety of backgrounds, or mainly graduates
    • Does this work involve leadership and/or team work?
    • How flattened or hierarchical are the layers of management?
    • Is the relationship between colleagues formal or informal?
    • Where is the work based - city centre, Science Park, etc?
    • In what type of environment is this work typically carried out? Office, laboratory, school, etc.? Open plan, shop floor, out of doors, etc.?
    • Do people doing this work normally work in one place, or are they travelling about as part of the work?
    • Are moral values challenged at work? e.g. experiments on animals, ethical investing
    • Do the employer's values conflict or conform with the values you identified as being most important to you?
    • What is the corporate culture? e.g. public service, profit making?
    • What is the age and gender profile of the organisation?
    • What are the issues for ethnic and other minority groups, people with disabilities, older entrants?
  • labour market, employment opportunities, and employment trends
