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Sources of information to use

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Finding your Profile
You will be expected you to use
  • a variety of sources, as well as background knowledge of current affairs
  • web links
  • careers resources available in the Careers Library.

Yourself in relation to the job:

  • Make links between Your Profile, and the requirements of your chosen job or occupation.
  • What skills and qualities will you realistically need in order to enter and survive in this job?
  • You might identify strengths in relation to the job, and/or limitations/reservations such as lack of experience or having to compromise a deeply-held value.
  • Indicate how you plan to deal with any such deficits: for example, do you need to apply for work experience (paid or voluntary), or a specific postgraduate course as a stepping stone towards the job? Or will you explore other jobs to find a more suitable fit?
Concluding Paragraph

This should draw together and summarise key observations, and indicate what you might do or develop in relation to what you have learned from your investigation.

The target length for this assignment is 700 words approximately. Remember to record your word count at the end.
