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Global Employment Opportunities

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  • Dialogue Working, studying, training and research in the European Union
  • European Commission The European Commission's Representation in the UK
  • Europa Information from the European Commission, with links to other institutions and governments
  • Civil Service, European FastStream Recruitment to EU Institutions, stagiaires programmes, and candidates' recruitment guide
  • European Information Association includes Europe on the Internet directing users to EU and other institutions' websites
  • European Research and Technology Information Network encompasses the Brussels Based R&D liaison offices of Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland & the UK. It offers a free service to look for research partners in Europe and also provides links to European Commission Websites which give information about opportunities for funding of R&D projects
  • Reading University Library European Documentation Centre
  • JOST European database of job, training and research opportunities in Science and Technology
  • UK Research and Higher Education European Office (may only be accessible from university computers) - promotes effective UK participation in EC research and HE programmes by alerting subscribing HEIs to the funding opportunities available. The Office is jointly sponsorted by and provides links to six UK Research Councils and the British Council
