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1st First2.1 Upper Second2.2 Lower second3rd Third
<H Does not meet the threshold for Honours ClassificationF Fail [unsatisfactory/weak]
Effective introduction Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Poor or no introduction
Thorough and systematic investigation of job Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Superficial
Range of appropriate sources of information used Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Basic or too few sources of information used
Accurate information Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Inaccurate information
Pertinent self assessment in relation to the job Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Poor matching of self to the job's requirements
Critical approach to material Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Material regurgitated without comment
Perceptive analysis of job and type of employer Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Poor analysis, lack of awareness of broader issues
Pertinent conclusion Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Inadequate or no conclusion
Report style and layout, succinct and precise Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Inappropriate style, prone to waffle
No errors of spelling, typing, grammar and syntax, etc. Tick boxes for grading criteria from A to F Many errors


