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Frequently Asked Questions

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Finding your Profile
The following Frequently Asked Questions will help you consider all your options and spot the benefits of researching them, no matter what your starting point is now:
  1. I know exactly which job I would like to enter. Why do I need to research more broadly and consider alternatives?
  2. What options are possible with my degree and my profile?
  3. What do graduates actually go into?
  4. I'm interested in postgraduate study as my next step, so why go to the trouble of researching into jobs and other options now?
  5. I would like to take a 'year out' after my degree, so why should I bother to plan out my career now?

      Several reasons.

      First, even though getting a career is that much further away, now is a good time to do the ground work as you have all the resources at your finger tips; Tutors, Careers staff and free internet access.

      Secondly, forethought now will help you get the most out of your gap year. Having an idea of your eventual destination will enable you to identify activities which will contribute to your aim, for example gaining relevant work experience. If you are intending to use your year off to discover your direction in life, planning now should help choose promising avenues of inquiry.

      There are almost as many reasons why people take a year out, as there are web sites devoted to the topic. The Gap Year website is a good place to begin as it gives a taste of the sorts of things different people do.

      For more specialised resources see the Gap Year page in the Research Resources Section later.

  6. I am considering self employment…
  7. How might changes and trends in the world of work affect me?
