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What do employers want to hear?

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Effective Applications
Employers are looking for several fundamentals;
  • That you have the right skills

      Employers want to know that you have the right skills and personal qualities to do the job successfully. They know what type of person they want to recruit and they don't keep this a secret. Their recruitment web site, application form or person specification tells you what they are looking for. For example, did the application form ask you to describe a time when you worked with others in a team or group? Or did the person specification list 'the ability to work effectively with others' as a required skill or 'competency'? If so, this indicates that they are looking for good team working skills and they are likely to ask you more about this in an interview.

      Sometimes first interviews feel like they are a repetition of your application form but this gives you an opportunity to bring in other examples and to bring your answer to life.

  • That you know what it is you have applied for
  • That you really want to work for them
