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Effective Applications

Resources relevant to all three aspects of Effective Applications

  • Attend free seminars on topics like 'CVs' and 'Competency based applications', and 'Psychometric Tests', : all generally part of the term time Careers Workshop programme. (Please note that seminar availability and titles may vary, and prior booking may be required - check website for full details)
  • The Graduate Prospects has online help for completing application forms, constructing CVs and covering letters, and preparing and coping with interviews.
  • A wide range of reference books on compiling CVs, interview preparation and psychometric tests is held by the Careers Service.
  • 'Psychometric Tests: what they are and how to prepare for them: leaflet available from the Careers Service.
  • Career Builder is an American site and talks about 'resumes' but has useful advice on all aspects of job-search including covering letters and interviews. Different types of interviews are well explained (including telephone interviews, which are becoming more common now), with tips on making a good impression, preparing for common questions, knowing which questions are 'illegal', and preparing to ask your own questions

Resources helpful for completing Application Forms

  • The DVD 'Your Job's On-Line' can be viewed in the Careers Service. It gives plenty of advice on how to complete application forms effectively.

Resources helpful for completing CVs and Covering Letters

Resources helpful for Job Interviews