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Are you ready to Apply?

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Effective Applications
See how prepared you are to look for jobs, by answering these statements.
  • I have analysed my skills, achievements and experience in Finding Your Profile, and can describe my strengths and limitations in relation to jobs.
  • I have thoroughly researched the job I am applying for and checked out its duties, responsibilities, prospects, terms and conditions.
  • I have used a wide range of current information sources, as suggested in Finding the Fit.
  • I have researched the company so that I am familiar with its location(s), size, customers, products, services and philosophy.
  • I have identified the type of person they are seeking: the skills, qualities, qualifications and experience the job requires, and have analysed how I match up to these requirements.
  • I have read the job advertisement carefully to find out exactly how I need to apply (whether by CV or application form), where to send my application and by when.
