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CV's and Covering Letters

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Effective Applications
The material is broken down into a few simple steps that when completed should give you a solid basis to build a winning CV.

Most of the exercises involve a little writing. Record your results in this word file for later use (to download, click on the link with the right mouse button and choose "save link as" or "save target as").

Creative CV Writing follows on from the previous sections. You should use the results from the 'Finding your profile' and 'Finding the fit' sections of this module. Having completed these exercises it will be easy to write a good CV because you will have identified exactly what it is you have to offer and what career you want. If you have not done these exercises, you may find it useful to complete them before continuing (click on the logo in the top left to return to CMS' home page).

Note that the 3rd assignment for this module is to complete a SAF or write your own CV. (Please disregard this last point as you would have been given your assignment by your lecturer).
