Created Instructed Negotiated Planned Sold Completed Designed Consulted Evaluated Calculated Identified Performed Improved Obtained Instructed Counselled Distributed Arranged Developed Edited Wrote Analysed Produced Conducted Delivered
Assisted Increased Trained Supplied Maintained Advised Installed Corresponded Audited Co-ordinated Researched Implemented Presented Instituted Directed Managed Provided Solved Determined Collected Referred Served Networked Observed Studied
Improved Consolidated Ordered Invented Diagnosed Examined Lectured Processed Reviewed Translated Prescribed Charted Represented Promoted Recorded Operated Supervised Organised Expanded Devised Prepared Interpreted Interviewed Discovered Assembled
You may download a document containing the above words
- If there are any action words that clearly apply to you and are not
on our list, add them to the saved document and keep it for reference.
(to download, click on the link with the right mouse
button and choose "save link as" or "save target as".)
Once you have identified some power or action words which are relevant to you, the next step is to construct power sentences using them.