Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry

Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer


ICP-OES is used for qualitative and quantitative determination of metals and certain non-metals in solution. The liquid sample is nebulised into a plasma where the temperature is sufficiently high to break chemical bonds, liberate elements present and transform them into a gaseous atomic state. A number of the atoms pass into the excited state and emit radiation. The frequency of this radiation is characteristic of the element that emitted it and as such can be used for identification purposes.

The intensity of the radiation is proportional to the concentration of that element within the solution and so can be used for quantitative purposes.


  • Environmental screening of water samples for contaminants such as lead, cadmium, mercury and zinc.
  • Analysis of biological samples for ions such as sodium and potassium.
  • Analysis of geological samples and minerals.

We have considerable expertise in sample preparationtechniques including:

  • Acid digestion - for organic based liquids or solids
  • Alkali fusion e.g. lithium metaborate - for geological samples High temperature furnace - for ashing


Jobin Yvon ICP-OES spectrometer.


Sample Price
Semiquantitive 32 element screening
Sample Preparation:
Acid Digestion
Alkali fusion
Microwave Digestion